If you receive an error message when you try to apply promo code to your order, it may be due to one of several reasons:
- You are not eligible to use the promo code. Most promo codes require you to be subscribed to our newsletter for a minimum of 24 hours, while others are uniquely restricted to individual customers and cannot be shared.
- The promo code has expired.
- The promo code is not valid for the item being purchased.
- You can only use a promo code once and only one promo code per item.
- Promo codes cannot be combined with combo discounts or applied to items with free gifts.
- We have exhausted the funding for the promotion. Promo codes typically end on the expiration date listed or when the inventory or funding reserved for the promotion has been exhausted, whichever comes first.
The majority of our promo codes are sent via email to our newsletter subscribers or to certain registered users only (students, loyalty members, etc.). If you were not sent the promo code you are trying to use, you may be ineligible to redeem it.
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